First Blog Post

I’m starting this website to keep people updated on what is going on. I don’t know WordPress yet, but I’m going to get a tutor to show me how to do it.

I paid for an ad on Craigslist for a WordPress Tutor and then a bunch of people responded. I said I would pay $25/hour, but one company said they would do it for $10/hour from India. When I called them early one morning at 4am, they wanted me to install some software so that they could see my PC. That scared me, so I canceled the call.

I eventually paid a guy in Ventura to come to my RV in Faria Beach. He was a really nice guy and I had two sessions with him and paid him the $25/hour. I got the basics of the site down and then did a few fun things like having the cursor turn into a bat. Maybe it’s hoaky, but maybe people will remember it.